
1. Please introduce yourself (background, interests, your MBTI, and so on)

Hi everyone! My name is Frida and I flew all the way from Sweden’s west coast, Gothenburg, to attend Sogang GSIS. At this very moment, I am a third semester International Relations major student and I absolutely love it! Before starting my master’s degree I studied Peace and Conflict Studies at Lund University in southern Sweden and got my bachelor’s degree in 2022. As for my interests I have to say that I’m pretty easy to please. I like going to cafés, reading, and I think sports is fun, especially basketball, but I am not currently playing anything. I have never really understood the whole MBTI thing but I have definitely still taken the test which described me as an INFJ. What that means I cannot tell you but I am sure it fits, to some degree at least.

2. Can you tell us the reason why you chose to study at Sogang GSIS?

I have always found it interesting to travel and experience new places so doing my master studies abroad was always a dream. Inevitably I ended up at Sogang GSIS, that is because I thought the courses offered would be a good fit for my interests and that I would meet people from all around the world. Both turned out to be correct :)


3. How do you usually spend your spare time in Korea?

In my spare time I try to explore new places, go for dinner or cafés with friends and such. I really love having coffee (it has to be with milk though, no Americanos for me) and going to different cafés, so if you ever need a café recommendation you can come to me. When the weather is nice I also enjoy going for walks, there are a lot of pretty parks and walkways around. Here in Seoul there is always something to do. Like visiting photobooths, going to the different palaces, doing archery, going to the arcade and so much more. 

4. Can you recommend your favorite place/spot in Seoul?

First and foremost, seeing as Sogang GSIS is in such close proximity to Sinchon I do have to recommend it! It is perfect for going for dinner after class, or just for wandering around. However, as for my favorite places, at this very moment at least, I would have to pick Yeonnam and Seoul Forest. Yeonnam is walking distance from Sogang and it is super cute with a lot of charismatic cafés and tiny shops.  As for Seoul Forest, walking around there is beautiful in every season! You can go there to see cherry blossoms, and shortly thereafter, the park will be filled with tulips in multiple colors. 

5. Any recommendations or know-how on life in Korea?

Living in a different country is going to have its ups and downs. However, in order to make things a bit easier, at least when first arriving, it is nice to have apps such as Naver maps, kakaotalks, papago, KakaoT, Coupang and such. Also it is always nice to have done research before getting here but also know that you learn as you go! And don’t be afraid to ask people around you for help, tips, recommendations and so on. I would also recommend to take time to settle in and explore a bit before the semester starts and when all the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, allow yourself some time to rest in between activities, school, friends, etc. 

6. Can you share your most memorable experience at Sogang GSIS with us?

The Student Council at Sogang GSIS does a good job of organizing events and hang outs. I have been to a few picnics by the han river and I always find it to be a good time!

7. Do you have any advice for the prospective students at Sogang GSIS?

Make sure you take all the courses you need, and take into account when the courses are available so you can plan accordingly. Also, this way you won’t be stressed when it is time for course registration. But most importantly, enjoy your time here because even if doing a masters or PhD is tough there is so much to experience and you will make life-long friends.

8. Do you have anything to say to Sogang GSIS?

I have really appreciated the special lectures with a variety of different speakers and topics. I have also taken a lot of interesting courses at Sogang GSIS but it would have been nice with a greater variety of courses each semester (excluding the concentration courses). All in all though, I definitely recommend joining Sogang GSIS, you won’t regret it!
