
Yanagawa, Ai – Japan / Korea and East Asia Studies

1. Please introduce yourself (background, interests, your MBTI, and so on)

Hello! My name is Ai from Japan, I am currently in my 2nd semester majoring in Korea and East Asia Studies. Before coming here, I was working in China as a high school Japanese teacher for 1 year and studying Korean language at language institute for 6months. Thanks to this experience, I began to have an interest about East Asian culture and people. That’s why I came here for study. My MBTI is ENFJ, so I might say that I have a strong sense of justice and am a kind and compassionate person🤭

2. Can you tell us the reason why you chose to study at Sogang GSIS?

GSIS is located at various prominent universities in Seoul like Yonsei, Korea, etc. Among them, Sogang has good scholarships and a high level of professors. Many professors who have appeared on Arirang TV have taught and teaching at Sogang GSIS. In addition, one of senior students of myself went to Sogang and I heard about his very happy student life, which made me also want to go to Sogang University. Although there are not many Japanese students, I am able to study surrounded by excellent friends from various countries, and I am enjoying a difficult but enjoyable life in Korea!

3. How do you usually spend your spare time in Korea?

When I have spare time, I play games 🤭 But some semesters I have too many assignments and sadly not much time to play games. But when I'm not busy, I invite my friends over and play Switch games or play computer games like LOL online!

4. Can you recommend your favorite place/spot in Seoul?

My favorite place is Anguk (안국)! It is near Kyungbokgung Palace (경복궁), so you can enjoy the old and emotional streets, and there are many stylish cafes! There are many photo-worthy spots, so please go there with me or other friends!

5. Any recommendations or know-how on life in Korea?

Finding something you like that is unique in Korea will enrich your sensory life! It can be K-Pop idols, Korean food, or Korean friends/lovers. Life abroad may be tougher than you imagined, so if you have something to support you in that life, your Korean life will surely be wonderful!

6. Can you share your most memorable experience at Sogang GSIS with us?

It is a welcome party before classes begin for my first semester! My English was not very good, and I was very worried about whether I would be able to finish my two-year master's program and whether I would be able to make friends. But everyone was very friendly and tried their best to help me out in lot of things. Thanks to them, my worries turned into good expectations!

7. Do you have any advice for the prospective students at Sogang GSIS?

If you are interested, come learn with us! All professors at Sogang GSIS are kind and knowledgeable, and if you are in the KEA department, there are some very cute and smart professors waiting for you. Your efforts will definitely be duly appreciated and you will even get a scholarship! "시작이 반 "이라고 하죠? ㅎㅎ

8. Do you have anything to say to Sogang GSIS?

Sogang GSIS has given me so many opportunities to grow and meet so many wonderful friends, and I hope to live up to the name of Sogang by living each and every day to the fullest. I believe that this will give me confidence and motivation to work hard in the future. Thank you very much!
