
Montalvo Granados, Daniela - Colombia / Korea & East Asia


1. Please introduce yourself (background, interests, your MBTI, and so on)

Hello my name is Daniela, I am 28 years old and I'm currently in my third semester of Korea and East & Asia studies, I have been in Korea for 2 years as part of the Korean Government scholarship program (GKS), I did my language course in Chungnam University in Daejeon and have been living in seoul for a bit more than a year now. Before coming to Korea I was able to work as an information analyst and research assistant. My MBTI is INTJ which explains why I like approaching problems and situations from a logical perspective, smaller groups of friends and gatherings and an overall passion for knowledge.

2. Can you tell us the reason why you chose to study at Sogang GSIS?

Since my undergraduate studies in International Relations, I have been passionate about researching East Asia, specifically about the relations between Japan and Korea, I noticed the sogang GSIS course catalog included a lot of courses that were interesting to me and that would help me to gain more knowledge about the region if I wanted to continue on the academic path.

3. How do you usually spend your spare time in Korea?

Most of the time I enjoy going out to cafes, tea houses or restaurants in Seoul, looking for some thrift and vintage stores, sometimes taking some walks around the city. I also spend my free time relaxing at home, maybe with some movies or video games.

4. Can you recommend your favorite place/spot in Seoul?

My favorite place in Seoul is Insadong, there are so many cafes, teahouses and traditional stores to visit, that everytime I go there I can discover something new. It is also close to various cultural and historical sites which makes it perfect for a day out in the city.

5. Any recommendations or know-how on life in Korea?

Get yourself at least a Korean friend! I am super lucky to meet one by chance and he is a great help to me whenever and wherever it could be. I know maybe some of you think it is so dependent of me to do it, but trust me, having a local with you is the best! Plus, you have added someone in your circle, doesn’t sound nice?

6. Can you share your most memorable experience at Sogang GSIS with us?

My most memorable experience at Sogang GSIS was the first time I came to the university. Because of COVID, my language year was online, I was excited when I found out about Sogang GSIS attempts to get the classes offline and bring back some sense of normality to the campus. However, before starting classes at Sogang, I caught COVID, which at the time, also meant 14 day quarantine at a government facility, due to this I missed the first weeks of the semester and I was scared people might have started making friends and I would have a hard time fitting in. But everyone at Sogang GSIS was welcoming and kind which made integrating with the rest of my classmates easier.

7. Do you have any advice for the prospective students at Sogang GSIS?

Take a look at the Sogang GSIS website and brochures beforehand, there is a lot of information that could help solve some of your questions regarding the program, university and life in Korea. When you arrive, also ask around to your seniors about their experiences and advice, I have learnt so much from my fellow classmates, don't underestimate them.

8. Do you have anything to say to Sogang GSIS?

First I am extremely thankful to Sogang GSIS for the opportunity to study here and being able to advance in my career. I would like to see more diversity in courses, some of the courses listed in the website haven't been open in a few semesters and I would like to have the opportunity to take them before I graduate.
