
Rules for comprehensive exam (종합시험)

Updated on Oct. 24, 2023

Ph.D. students should pass the ‘comprehensive exams for 2 common core courses’ by the 4th semester and pass the ‘comprehensive exams for 2 concentration requirements courses’ by the 6th semester. If not, he/she can’t graduate.



Common core


GISE001 Economic Analysis

GISE002 Introduction to Int’l Relations

Concentration requirement courses

Concentration requirement courses in each major except 3 courses(GISA108, GISF002, GISF003)

Students can take the comprehensive exams at most 2 times for each subject for graduation. Students can’t change the subject after taking the exam once.

Students can take the comprehensive exams only after they finish taking the course. If a student got a waiver, he/she can take the exam for that course.

Students can take the ‘comprehensive exams for concentration requirements’ only after they pass the ‘comprehensive exams for common core.’ However, if they fail the ‘comprehensive exams for common core’, they can take the exam for the failed one and the ‘comprehensive exams for concentration requirements’ at the same time in the following semester.

The comprehensive exams are held in May and November every year. This means that students can apply for the comprehensive exams once per a semester. 
